Innovation team journeys

A Workshop Series Tailor-Made for Your Team

Best innovation happens where a team succeeds to drive Innovation Vision, live Innovation Culture and master Innovation Structures. Depending on what helps your team most to foster and scale innovation, we design an individual journey for you, focussing on three innovation perspectives – Vision, Culture and Structure.

What is our innovation target state and how do we measure progress?

When working with us on the Vision perspective, we will together boost a clear common target state, derive connected goals and make your progress trackable. This allows for clear focus and intrinsic motivation in your team.

How to establish innovation routines & new behaviours?

The way we work and behave as a team has a strong influence on the outcome. When working with us on the Culture perspective we will define team values, empower strengths with routines, foster emotional intelligence,  and derive the ambition that empowers your team best.

How to balance today’s improvements with tomorrow’s bold ideas?

When working with us on the Structure perspective, we will balance tomorrow’s big ideas with today’s need to implement. This allows your team to organize for both exploration and exploitation and execute according to individual preferences.

Which perspective shall we work on together?

You choose the primary perspective we work on: Culture, Vision, Structure, or a combination of perspectives. After an initial exchange we tailor the content, methods and tools according to your team’s needs. The Journey itself consists of 1-4 Workshop days (can be onsite or offsite, e.g. in our Berlin office) and 2-6 virtual intermissions.

Example agenda from a past Team Journey on Culture:

Introduction – 2h – virtual
Expectation management
Workshop – day 1 – Berlin
Introduction to the Hub
Structure and organization of the Hub and its capabilities funnel.
Workshop – day 2 – Berlin
Value proposition
Learn what makes a good value proposition and how to get there (Working backwards)
Recap – 2h – virtual
Review & Refine
Retrospect on the latest steps of implementation

We learn from reflecting on experience.

The core of each team journey is a 1-2 day workshop to acquire theory and practical impulses with the whole team, (individually) customized for by LIH. As we follow a coaching approach, this workshop is preceded by a reflective preparation session and followed by experiments and implementation rounds to take the joint workshop experience back into daily business and ultimately reach clear innovation targets together.

What's next?

Decide on the perspectives to work on
Take 15 min to exchange
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