What we offer

LevelUp covers our learning offers to build innovative mindsets, skillsets and behaviors at Lufthansa Group. Our offerings cater to different target audiences and we distinguish whether these infuse innovation capabilities at a personal (IND), team (TEA), or organizational level (ORG). The offerings are marked accordingly.

Digital Innovation Ascent (DIA) Basecamp | IND

6-week learning journey targeted at LC3 leadership on digital innovation (trend literacy, innovation methods, customer experience, innovation culture & leadership).

Next Cohort: February 2023
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DIA High Camp – Digital Business Models | IND

1-day day deep dive module targeted at LC3 leadership to help them understand and apply different business model configurations for own projects.

Next Cohort: February 2023
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DIA High Camp – Technology-Driven Innovation | IND

1-day deep dive module targeted at LC3 leadership to help them develop digital literacy on key technologies, their applications with reflection of own projects in LHG context.

Next Cohort: February 2023
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Mastering Validation | TEA

2x 3-hour workshop targeted at teams to equip them with best-in-class methods to validate innovation ideas and accelerate and fail proof their projects.

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Innovation Trail

8-week virtual learning journey targeted at individuals to develop skills along the innovation process from ideation to prototyping, business modelling to pitching.

Next Cohort: Summer 2023
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Employee Empowerment

1-2 h workshop targeted at leaders or teams to develop tangible practices to boost employee empowerment in their organization.

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Innovation Mindset Coaching

Multi-week one-to-one support targeted at executive leadership to help them develop their innovation mindset and provide opportunities to embed new behaviours & practices.
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Leverage Hybrid Work

~2-3 hours workshop targeted at teams to develop routines for hybrid work, set an own team canvas and look at tool inspirations.
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Are you interested in a “Skill- & Mindset” training? Feel free to directly schedule a first catch-up with us to get to know more about the offerings!
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