What we offer

Here you will find all offers connected to the innovation platform NeXus and our LHG Innovation Community on Yammer. Our offerings cater to different target audiences and we distinguish whether these infuse innovation capabilities at a personal (IND), team (TEA), or organizational level (ORG).

Share your innovation expertise with the Innovation Community | IND

Host the next “Xpert Insight”, allow other innovators to learn from your experiences, expertise and spread your innovation offer. Share your insights, increase the visibility for your work and find new interesting contacts.
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Become a neXus Test User with your team | TEA

Join our innovation platform neXus in our 3 month test phase until October as first test users with your team to access all the innovation resources (methods, content, events, experts) that you need for your innovation projects.
Become a test user

Innovation Intervision

Do you have a challenge on an innovation related project you would like to discuss, get advice or feedback on? Host an Intervision to jointly work on solving the problem and connect with community members.
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Innovation Playground

It’s your space to (co-)create - 1 hour with the community members, your content, no slides needed. Make use of the innovation community to ideate, test your products, dry-run your workshops or try out methods/tools and more.
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Let's talk!

Are you curious about our platforms? Feel free to directly schedule a first catch-up with us to get to know more about the offerings!
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