
What we offer

Workshops and consulting projects for the redesign of organizations, processes and work cultures. Our offerings cater to different target audiences and we distinguish whether these infuse innovation capabilities at a personal (IND), team (TEA), or organizational level (ORG). The offerings are marked accordingly.

Rethinking Organization

3–5 hours workshop targeted at executive leadership level (LC2/ LC1) who want to holistically transform the operating model of their organization (i.e. processes, leadership, people/skills, etc.).
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Working Backwards

3-4 hours workshop targeted at leaders and their teams to gain practical experience with Amazons’ PRFAQ process as a powerful tool to embed customer centricity and new ways of working.
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Value & Purpose Design

>30 min impulse or multi-week transformation support targeted at executive leadership and team level to help instill meaning and build the cultural foundation to create employee engagement.
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Innovative Organization & Behaviours | TEA

Up to 2-3 hours workshop targeted at leaders & teams to get inspired by behaviours of innovative organizations & develop practical interventions to incentivise towards desired behaviours in LHG.
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Transformation Moments

3-hours workshop targeted at teams and leaders that want to take a unique employee-centric perspective as they engage in change and communication activities within LHG.
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Customer Centric Strategy & Culture | ORG & TEA

1-2 day workshop on building customer-centred strategy, operationalisation and culture using the 7-Strata framework in combination with a values-centred approach.
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Offsite Experience | TEA

We facilitate your offsite (~1-2 days) - half term or end of year time and you want to use the time as a team to reflect and at the same time look forward with new innovation focus and activities, then you have come to the right place!
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Transformation Team Journey | TEA

You want to make innovation an integral part of your team?Throughout our Transformation Team Journey, we help your team build and scale its innovation strengths:  Innovation Culture, Innovation Processes and/or Innovation Strategies. Custom made to fit your needs best.
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Let's talk!

Do you want to better understand how we can help you shapeshift towards more innovation? Feel free to directly schedule a first catch-up with us to get to know more about the offerings!
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